This stunning three-bedroom apartment offers a bright, comfortable, and luxurious environment. The living and dining area features expansive windows with breathtaking skyline views, and a balcony provides the perfect spot to unwind. The kitchen, fitted with custom-designed modular cabinets and integrated Miele appliances, includes a kitchen island with a raised cantilever breakfast bar in a honed stone finish, ideal for hosting and seamlessly blending with the living area.
Each bedroom is generously sized with floor-to-ceiling windows offering amazing views, excellent fixtures, and ample wardrobes. Two bedrooms have en-suites, while the third has access to the family bathroom. The bathrooms either feature a walk-in shower or enamel tub, tall vanity units, and a timeless marble finish, ensuring complete privacy and luxury.
Engineered pre-finished fumed oak natural timber flooring spans all living and bedroom areas, adding a touch of elegance. Additionally, there is ample storage throughout the apartment.
步行3分钟即可到达滑铁卢地铁站,从滑铁卢站乘坐地铁1 分钟到达威斯敏斯特,2 分钟到达查令十字车站,3 分钟到达格林公园和莱斯特广场( 中国城)。该项目占据伦敦文化区的中心位置,坐落于泰晤士河南岸边,附近便是享誉盛名的老维克剧院和泰特现代艺术馆,Borough Market 和Covent Garden 两大集市让您亲身体验独特的伦敦集市文化。
本项目所占据的位置是伦敦交通最发达的位置之一,门口就有许多公共交通站点,距滑铁卢地铁站只有 3 分钟的步行路程。12 分钟到达重要交通枢纽国王十字火车站(在此可乘坐火车前往英国各大城市,也可乘坐欧洲之星前往欧洲),38 分钟到达盖特维克机场和希思罗机场。
International House, 1 St. Katharine's Way
London, E1W 1UN