The expansive, newly designed living and dining area is wonderfully rendered, featuring an abundance of floor-space, large windows and stunning views of the canal. With a range of high-end furniture specifically tailored for this home, it’s somewhere that really lends itself to excellent quality-of-life, whether you’re entertaining friends and family or simply taking a quiet night for yourself. Either way, each element works in complete harmony with the dimensions, maximising the space to create a warm, relaxing atmosphere that really puts you at your ease.
The large, custom designed, fully integrated kitchen has a composite stone worktop, plenty of work-surfaces and a stand-alone counter, making it highly functional and a pleasure to use. Again, the proportions are excellent, giving you plenty of room to express yourself freely.
The two bathrooms have been finished to perfection, each with a walk-in shower that features a Vado rain shower, stunning mosaic splashback, excellent fixtures and a well-lit vanity unit. Meanwhile, the two bedrooms are warm and comfortable, with one currently converted into a sizeable home-office.
Overall, as you take-in this apartment, what really stands out is the attention to detail. Going room-to-room, it’s clear how the elements have been drawn together to establish a unified and elegant whole. A truly fine example of sophisticated 21st century living.
小区内的整体设计以“贝尔格维亚广场” 和泰晤士河为灵感, 以小高层为主,楼宇之间流淌着人工运河,相伴着曲径通幽的林间步道,让业主们感受到英式园林设计的精华——啼莺燕舞,小桥流水。项目内直通Imperial Wharf, 20分钟内可到达“顶级学府”帝国理工主校区。步行5分钟可达水上巴士,在一路畅游泰晤士河美景的同时,40分钟内即可到达伦敦3个商务中心, 这也是很多金领最心仪的通勤方式。
切尔西水域(Chelsea Creek)坐落于泰晤士河北岸。其紧邻时尚聚集地 King’s Road 国王大道,切尔西,骑士桥和 Belgravia 豪宅区,搭车 8 分钟就可抵达斯隆广场。周边轨道交通站 Imperial Wharf Station(步行 4 分钟可抵达)。3 条线(Piccadilly line、Circle line、District Line)。除轨道交通外,住户可自由选择公交、轮渡等交通方式穿梭于伦敦市内,出行十分方便。
International House, 1 St. Katharine's Way
London, E1W 1UN